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comedy island

Where boomers go after making a joke about Gen Z or Millennials

Boomer: "This generation is a prisoner of their phones, that's why they're called CELL phones" *laughs in boomer*
Gen Z/Millenial: Welcome to comedy island

by O_shit_my_mind_be_bl@nk December 7, 2019



Being Part of PPG ISLAND Is About Using Your Own Unique Abilities To Make People smile 😊 We are weird , crazy and fun to be around !

Motto : “ WAIT LANG , WAIT LANG ! “


by BEARDEDRAIDER November 24, 2021

Lego Island

oops you forgor to put da cee dee in da computa

guy 2: HEY!!!
guy 1: what
guy 2 have you heard of Lego Island?
guy 1: lol
guy 3: OoOoPs YoU FoRgOT 2 PoOt tHe cD iN uR cOmPuTeR

by PseudonymLOLXD69420 January 3, 2022

island boy

definition 1: the act of committing incest and beating your girlfriend. also releasing cringe songs that fuel my suicidal thoughts.
definition 2: CANCER

Person 1: haha I'm taking your laptop
Person 2: fuck off beau you island boy!!!
person 1: does it look like I suck off my brother?
person 2: yes

by mummys_milkman March 16, 2022

Mormon Island

Mormon Island, CA
A once thriving 1800's Gold Rush town located on the road to the Sierras that was covered up when Folsom Dam was completed in 1955. Nearly EVERY YEAR during the winter months the lake is low enough to see the remains of foundations, roads and other artifacts.

In recent times, the area has been sensationalized in the media as being a great tourist attraction. This media attention has resulted in the pilgrimage of overweight, greasy, ignorant, typical american bozos from the surrounding area to the lake bed. These scumbags drive their SUVs into the park by 100's, leaving McDonald's bags and soda cups in their wake.

"I got us all Big Macs and Soda from McDonald's! Now get in the Excursion we're going to Mormon Island!"

by Sheriff McLawdog February 4, 2014

island view

means "I love you"...when said silently from a distance looks like u are saying I love you

Island view

by Irish11 April 20, 2017

Catalina Island

Also known as the Poor Man’s Hawaii, Santa Catalina Island is a small Desert Island just off the coast of Long Beach. The history of the island spans hundreds of years, yet the history is rather unnoticeable. The island is somewhat popular to celebrities, including Marilyn Monroe, Christopher Walken, and various social media stars. The island holds the annual Catalina Wine Mixer every year completely thanks to the movie Step Brothers.

There is no exports of Catalina Island besides tourism, which it receives millions of people year round. Currently, the island is in a severe drought.

“I was at Catalina Island for the Catalina Wine Mixer bro, it was radical!”

Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood were here before she died!”

by El Fuckface October 2, 2018