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King of Awesomeland that invented the term "BOOMโ„ข"

Jack really does know everything!

by gehenosterreich January 1, 2012

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A total dick head.

Man I fucking hate jack he's a dick

by Fuckinshitbitchgoshdang January 29, 2017

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1) In pennsylvania lingo means ripped, buff, etc. pretty much havin a good physique.

2) According to my cousin from Jersey, in central NJ lingo it means having fucked up teeth and having a general scummy/dirtbag appearance

Cousin: Is your friend Joe good lookin?

Me: Uh, well he is jacked.

Cousin: Ew

Me: What, you dont appreciate a nice physique?

by Russelstover August 1, 2009

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jack with

to mess with someone or something

Some drugs can really jack with your brain.

by The Return of Light Joker March 16, 2011

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Jack is the conductor of a train that sells you a one way ticket to pound town. As the old saying goes, "be a Jack today, be a horny military sergeant tomorrow". He surfaced from his mother's womb at the ripe age of 0 and has ever since featured in PornHubs' monthly top rated verified amateur section.

His quads are closely identical to those of the late Greek God Zeus. In 2014, his cum made its big break as it featured on multiple Cinnabon rest stop billboards in the tri-state area. His blonde curls glisten in the sun which has also been the leading cause of blindness in the United States. His hot Australian accent makes you question your worthiness and his deep laugh has been used as Pendulum's bass line.

Girl 1: omg I saw Jack last night
Girl 2: no way! how was it?
Girl 1: amazing! He just rocked out with his cock out the entire time

by JacksFanClub April 9, 2019

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The ultimate fuck boy

"Yeah well they don't call him Jack for nothing"

by glittergal May 4, 2015

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Jack is a strong, intelligent, charming man. He is always helping others out and always has a smile on his face. Jack is also very brave. He is such a gentle men and it's always nice to be around jack

Girl: im moving to Tennessee
Jack: that's right. Cause your the only ten I see

by Jthomps22 December 11, 2014

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