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Kind Thot

A hoe that says thank you when I finish

Yo, you know Brittani, she's the local kind thot

by Jek422 October 23, 2022

Slim kind

Someone who is considered to be above average intelligence

That Zandre is a slim kind

by Daddy Joseph January 19, 2022


1. Full of kindness.
2. Very kind and selfless.
3. Same as kindhearted.

You have a kindful heart.
What u did is the definition of kindful.

by Janeesh February 4, 2022

courting kind

Someone love being in a relationship and usually more in love with the idea of love.

That pop star is the courting kind

by spen53 March 23, 2018

Kanker tyfus kind

A child that is generally a piece of shit or annoying you and others. You would use this to make sure a child would leave you alone.

Jij kanker tyfus kind, wat de kanker doe je in mijn kanker huis.

by Je kanker moeder is een hoer November 15, 2023

E.t is an alien and he is kind of spacey, coming from the universe to party and go crazy

i dont know lol

E.t is an alien and he is kind of spacey, coming from the universe to party and go crazy

by absdfg June 12, 2024

ever so kind

ever so kind,

ever so kind.

by Debskelly1985 May 6, 2023