A place in Banff National Park which every single college-aged girl from British Columbia or Alberta has gone to, with the only purpose being taking a photo for Instagram for their group or 8 friends to comment how hot they look and how big their rack is.
Jim: Hey, did you see Lucy’s post of her on vacation? She’s looking so damn fine.
Max: Who cares? She’s just another bitch who goes to Lake Louise for a photo shoot...
Those most beautiful place in the world. It's a lifestyle, a tradition, a place free of anger and sadness. It is a place I call home for half the year and I could not be more proud to be a part of its long-standing history.
Huntington Lake, heaven at 7,000 ft.
A lake where only gay people fish. Fishing this lake will 100% give you aids.
I just contracted aids from fishing pine lake... I am now gay
Soldier:O Panzer of the lake, what is your wisdom?
Panzer of the lake:Why u standing here boi
A lil spot outside of Muskegon, Michigan filled with drunk rednecks, dirt bikers, and people driving golf carts.
Man 1: Bro im just tryna sleep but all I hear is fire crackers and shot gun shots
Man 2: welcome to wolf lake
A place where mud, trucks, and sluts all meet during a friday night
Dude lets go to yankee lake this weekend and bang bitches.