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jerry link

A URL that a person refuses to open because it might contain content that is NSFW

Person 1: Did you get Dave's message on Steam?
Person 2: Yea, but I didn't open up his message because he usually sends me jerry links.

by seveneleven98 November 1, 2015

jerry link

A URL that a person refuses to open because it might contain content that is NSFW

Person 1: Did Dave message you on Steam?
Person 2: Yea, but I didn't open up the message because he usually sends me jerry links.

by seveneleven98 October 31, 2015

evil link

The people who project negative intentions on you and celebrate your pain, while pretending not to care about you. And fight about you, and can’t stop thinking about you. But they’re each other’s #evillink so it’s good right

They are my evil link, we plot and scheme.

by Witnessdeeznutz January 27, 2023

steamy link

A Steamy Link is when two people sharing a double sided dildo for anal play. When the dildo is inserted deep into both rectums and both users defecate ate the same time. This is a steamy link. Also Dave is a piece of shit....

Oh man Dave and Adam shared a steamy link.

by Tremujin October 20, 2017

link amnesia

Landing on a web-page or article while browsing the web, with no idea why and no memory of how you got there.

Brian: Where did you find that article you were telling me about?

Melissa: No idea, I got really bad link amnesia as soon as I started reading.

by angrywords April 8, 2013


Copy a URL (address) on a desktop or laptop. Right-click the URL you want to copy. Or click on this symbol 🔗

c-link if you feel sorry for them.
c link to get more followers

by the one who ask to c-link :) June 18, 2021

Vio Link

vio link is one of the links from The legend of zelda: Four sword adventure and is known to be the intelligence of the group. He wears purple and helps his fellow link's when they're stuck on something mentally.

gufuu: "What are you supposed to be?"
Vio Link: "I am not a 'what', i am a who. MY name is vio, and i am one of those three idiots."

by Vio Link September 18, 2019