Luka is a boy very nice shoulders and arms. His beauty is from outside and from inside he is very courious
Luka is very intelegent.
That brain is from Luka.
Luka's phone.
Lukas is not the smartest under the sun and probably gets zero pussy but at least he's funny. A lot of people named Lukas got zero taste in anything too.
Boy: Is that Lukas?
Girl: Ew, yea i think
A "Luka" is a person who is already balding at a young age and has an extreme case of hurensohsyndrom.
This kid is going to be a Luka in the future.
Luka is the kindest person you'll ever meet. He is respectful and smart. He doesn't like to study though. Luka loves sport... and girls. Even if he prefers thinking girls he distracts himself with dumb girls. Luka is a feminist and is politically involved.
Lukachenk- jk jk
Stop being nice to everyone Luka, ffs