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MineCraft is the definition of shit that 30yr old men think is making a comeback and probably have a browser consisting of MineCraft porn and blocky asses and think they are superior to more detailed and quality games like Fortnite, Apex l☺️Legends ,and Roblox

MineCraft is so shitty
I know right honestly let’s play Fortnite

Ok I’m down bro!!!

by That one good example October 10, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A rude, stupid, virgin that hates on anybody who plays Fortnite.

Joe: "I'm a Minecrafter"
Everybody else (grabs a rifle)

by bob but not bob February 18, 2021

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Philza Minecraft

The creator of Minecraft

Person 1: who created Minecraft

Person 2: Philza Minecraft

Person 1: wasn’t it Not-

by skylinepotter January 18, 2021

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Philza Minecraft

The creator of minecraft that played hardcore for 5 years and died to a baby zombie in gold armor.


by Vscountt February 3, 2021

83πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

minecraft girlfriend

Probably your uncle.

Do you have a minecraft girlfriend

I did before I realised its my uncle.

by Mark the reddit virgin April 4, 2020

119πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Minecraft veteran

Someone who has played Minecraft in its prime time back in the day and remembers the Nether reactor core from p.e

Timmy: Are you an OG fortnite player?

Ghandhi: No,but I'm a Minecraft veteran

Timmy: Sounds gay

Ghandhi: listen hear you little shit your dad left you out of disgrace because you spend all your time playing Fortnite.

by bling_father69 October 12, 2019

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Philza Minecraft

God, creator of Minecraft and all who follow it

he strides across the battlefeild so gracefully.

Dear Lord, must i express my love for the immaculate and globally revered Philza Minecraft, he strides across the battlefield in such an ethereal manner, the mere gaze upon such action is enough to astound me, oh philza, phil. what are your thoughts

by Ultrasheeplord July 4, 2021

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