Meaning "I'm not kidding." An equivalent of "I shit you not."
Said by the character Glen (played by actor Sam McMurray) in the Coen Brothers' movie "Raising Arizon"
Person 1: Did you hear that Brad and Jen broke up?
Person 2: No way!
Person 1: I'm crapping you negative.
1. The greatest metal band of all time;
2. The band whose logo I have tattooed on my back.
The best Type O Negative albums are "Slow, Deep and Hard", and "World Coming Down".
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The saying originated in the movie top gun, when Maverick requests a fly-by, and is denied by the commanding officer.
It was later quoted by David Spade in a 7-up commercial, and has also been used in a few other less reputable media segments.
Basically, it just means no. The phrase Ghost Rider eludes to the pilot's alias, and is an illusion to the comic book character Ghost Rider (though I don't think that is significant).
Can I have pickles on that sub?
That's a negative Ghost Rider.
383๐ 72๐
A base that is so extreme, it defies all laws of science, math, physics, and even the girl codes. This is the base after Infinity Base. Everyone and everything that took part in infinity base is floating in limbo where they all procede to have an undescribale orgy.
After someone reaches infinity base and everything is floating in limbo, there's nothing to do but get to Negative Infinity Base!!!
48๐ 6๐
A double negative statement is a statement that is redundant, so the result is positive. In other words the statement is an absolute, or no variable conditions.
(- -) = +
(++) = +
An example of a double negative statement is "leave me alone you stupid idiot!"
23๐ 4๐
Singing in voices that could be described as Satan after the cable TV gets cut off and Ozzy after realizing he's not on cable TV anymore, Type O offer all types of slow, crushing anthemic tunes that deal with things that are never too happy. Something tells me you could feed these guys Prozac and they still wouldn't have a brighter day. They'd complain about sunburn. Music for bats, for sure.
Some guys have all the luck--just that it's all bad. In the glass half-empty or half-full dilemma, the fellas in Type O are the type to simply break the glass and say it wasn't worth keeping anyway. The kind of guys high-school guidance counselors look over at and figure if they can just send them over to Vo-Tech without too much hassle (in other words, without them killing anyone), then great! Another successful guided tour out of high school.
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A nigga who is so fucking negative all the damn time
Anthony is actually negative nancy nigga at all times, I can't handle it.
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