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Stupid kids who think that the world rotates around them. They feel that the world hates them for who they are. They let out their anger on the world by making crappy music which should be burned and pissed on. DOWN WITH EMO!

Guy 1:hey mr sad teenager, whats wrong?

Emo kid: I hate my life because it sucks

Guy 1: Well it cant be that bad

Emo kid: Yes it is, im going to cut my wrists.

Guy 1: what about all those third world children living in poverty.

Emo kid: They dont understand man, i am far worse off than that.

Guy 1: But you have loving parents and a place you can call home.

Emo kid: No i dont i burned my home.

Guy 1: why?

Emo kid: so more people could feel sorry for me.

Guy 1: cock.

by 70schild May 22, 2005

97๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


need to get over themselves.

Most emos are well-off melodramatic losers, who have things better off than some people.

by Wassup? September 14, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emo is a word used to describe kids who are complete and utter failures at life.

Emo kid "Your so mean to me! Nobody understands me in this world! I'm going to cut myself now!"

Set "Do it dumbass! Give the knife, i'll do it for you!!"

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


Okay. Emos are a bunch of poser assholes. As you may already know by the 1,000+ definitions of "emo".

Emos are:
1. Ususally seen shopping at Hot Topic, Zumiez, or some other clothing store that is expensive and over indulgent on the whole stripes and skulls theme.
2. In need of a shower. Really badly.
3. Seen with their large groups of emo buddies even though though they say that they are "alone". Psh.
4. Found writing weakass "poems" about breaking up with their girlfriends. Half the WORLD's been there. And they got OVER it. You should too.
5. Stupid. Get a life.
6. Usually trying to pass off their feeble scratches on their wrists as a sign of their self-"mutilation".
7. Fucking preps of the night.

And the list goes on and on...

Please note: Not all people who wear black, have long bangs, are depressed, or preform acts of self-mutilation on themselves are emo. They could like the color, the hair style, or are in some sort of maniac-depression.

Real life experiences:

Aiken: *outrageously funny joke*
Emo: I would laugh, but I can't show emotion.
Aiken: STFU bitch! *punch*

Here's some fun:
What do emo kids use as birth control? Their personalities.

What do you call 1000 emos at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.

by Aiken BabySlayer September 14, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


did u notice that all the real people in the emo images are white??? no offense.

look at the images if u didnt notice.

by my name March 11, 2005

74๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž


Apparently there's been a lot of discussion throughout Urban Dictionary about the word 'emo'. I hope this will clear it up.

I define emo as someone who is emotionally and/or mentally depressed. Not every person who is depressed is emo, but the ones who grow their depression and problems to 9000 times the size that they truly are and then tell other people about said problems so they can people to feel sorry for them. In some ways, they are alike geek and nerds, for I can see some geeks and nerds becoming emos if they are bullied repeatedly or thrust away from the real world.

Emos usually keep to themselves as much as possible but would converse with other emos if they have to. They wear darker clothing and/or articles of clothing that sticks them out from a crowd of people. They try to attain positive attention this way, or recognition from others that they are 'emo' and should be feared because they are different. In this way, emos can be compared with scene people.

Emos think negative thoughts most of the time, viewing the glass half empty and much smaller. They believe themselves to be different than any other human being, and so they decide on acting differently. They will act out in public, scare people, carry weapons, wear clothes no one else wears. In this way, they are like goths, but goths are more violent and hatred in their ways, actually going farther than any emo has.

Emos destroy themselves from inside out from beginning to bully themselves mentally and verbally, then they work on to mental pain through real events in their lives, then physical pain and suffering, and after that its not impossible that they will commit suicide or go completely insane and think like only few people do. Perverted thoughts fill their heads; ones of killing people they have been hurt by, killing people in mass numbers, and the death of loved ones to give themselves pain every now and then. It sounds like a television show where the main character obtains certain powers and then tries to save the world/destroy it, and figure out someone they loved or a relative of a loved one is dead because of said main character's actions.

Hey Fred, what's with the long face?

Well, George, my whole family is into being Catholic, but I totally disagree with their religion. And they won't stop hating me for it! They can't just hate me because I want to live my own life the way I want to! I just don't fxxxing understand why my parents hate their youngest son like this! I really wish that....(A while and lots of moping and wallowing-in-one-self's-pity later) You see, that's why I decide to be emo and to cut myself and bleed over the Holy Cross.

Oh, well won't you look at the time! I have to get going! See ya later Fred, hope you fix out the kinks with you parents!

by Energy Max July 25, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emos are very sad kids that have nothing better to do with their lives. They all think thay are "emo" because thay are all in depression.

-They cut themselves
-They cry for no reason
-They are all gay
-They are a rip-off of goth
-They listen to stupid fucking songs that make no sence what so ever
-They hate everyone
-They take shitty pictures where they cover half their face with their dirty ass hair
-Never become emo

by Will666 April 11, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž