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Bum Ring

A more polite term for the word asshole.

"Eugh, Jerry... You're such a fucking Bum Ring."

by Baxtermikasa October 9, 2018

Bum Dip

The act of ejaculating on your finger and sticking said finger in ones anus thus allowing the fecal matter to stick. The finger is then licked or sucked. Similar to the popular candy, "Fun Dip" Where you lick a sugary rod and stick it into a packet of sugar allowing the sugar to stick.

Samantha and I were feeling frisky and decided to eat each other's bum dip.

by J-Hoagie October 3, 2019

Bum cup

The capture of anal gas in the hand with the aim to transfer the vapour directly over an unsuspecting victims nose and mouth

Scott received a dirty Bum cup from Daniel, then he vomited.

by Daniel Davies November 8, 2006

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Bum elitist

A person that is prejudice towards people with wealth and status.

My sister hates people of wealth and power and venerates the plight of the poor. She is a bum elitist.

by Itsforthebirds October 8, 2013

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bum face

bum face;

n. chiefly british slang, derogatory

1. one who has a face that has a similar appearance to the buttocks

2. one who is of such an annoying temperament that they are worthy of being compared to someone with a bum for a face

3. Someone with a bum for a face. And perhaps a face for a bum, although this is uncommon.

"Oh my god, you are such a bum face".

"Good golly, you're talking so much poo right now, one might call you a bum face"

by Tom Bromley January 4, 2004

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bum wine

MD 20/20. So termed by a weird, burly Canadian. The best, tastiest and drunkening wine that your $3 can buy.

"Man, let's go get some damn bum wine cause it's cheap and it'll get you drunk."

by Boscrangles June 21, 2005

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bum rush

To run full speed into somebody and body slam them into a brick wall, chain link fence, or similar immovable object.

"Dude, I just got bum rushed on the corner of E.9th and Euclid Avenue."

by Ron W February 19, 2007

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