In the ocean of life, I am the captain of a wrecking ball. Fucking shit up on my terms and never making excuses, pointing fingers, or playing the victim. Life on my terms.
Guy #1: hey man how’s it going, been a while how’s life treating you?
Guy#2: Life‘s crazy but I’m in a controlled dive
The Controller that crabs use perfectly. (n64 controller)
Jimmy's hands are twisted in knots from playing on a n64 controller.
A controller that has problems reconnecting, filled with cheeseballs
and damaged buttons. (It usually happens when you have a brother
or a toxic friend)
oh, you can use the 2nd controller...
Someone who is really into video game controllers. These people love to customize, mod, repair and collect video game controllers.
Dave: Yo you got a lot of custom gamecube controllers
John: Yea I'm a a bit of a controller freak
A group of full grown men that sit around and call themselves let's-players while they never get over 200 subscribers.
"Bro, dorks with controllers are finally playing a good game!"
an occupation or the concept of checking that all products leaving a factory or proccess are the same and meet specifications of size, strength, shape or otherwize defined quality.
This ones got a dead rat stuck in it, some one needs to check with quality controll.
10👍 10👎