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shawnee okay

when someone is trying to prove you wrong, and you give up on telling them they are wrong so you just say " shawnee okay". Shawnee means a dumb idiot.

"he is 50"
"no he is 20"
"shawnee okay"

by ahfukajshfk November 18, 2017

Okay Tone

When someone says something so outlandish that you don't believe them.

I am the best looking guy in town! Friends reply: Okay Tone.

by Scr4nt August 2, 2021

Okay Dorkay

A person who often ends sentences with the word "okay", making them sound like a complete dork. This action usually happens after he/she is done explaining or ranting about something.

Jane; Wow, I'm so tired of Aaron saying "okay" at the end of every sentence like he's Mr. Garrison from South Park!

Rebecca; I know! He is such and Okay Dorkay kind of guy!

Aaron; Hey! I really can't help it you guys! It's a real problem okay?

by t6killer May 8, 2014

Okay guy

A guy that likes to be molested, commonly used by the abusers to reference those who they determine those that can be molested.

So you are an okay guy. That means you like how I touch you here!

That boy over there is an okay guy

by Roxas_Reverse March 24, 2023

it's a big deal okay

When you're a bitch about something and can't think of anything else to say

1: This is the worst!
2: I think you're overreacting
1: it's a big deal okay

by orangepengwin January 22, 2015