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She is a girl with different types of feelings towards of different people. She is open about her problems and she is often misunderstood. She has black hair/dark brown hair with a powerful personality. She loves her friends and would die for them, she is loyal if you gain her trust but its actually easy to gain her trust so she often gets heartbroken when she loses someone in her life which brings her to depression. She often seen happy but in the inside she is hurt and thinks that everyone hates her. If a raven in your life trusts you, treat her with care and act like you care about her because she is gonna be the one to cry over you or anything that might seem small to you but is big for her. People mistake her of being sensitive but she is not, she cares about anything and Everything. She is very funny and she loves kpop :) she loves Jin. If you abuse, hurt, or push Raven around, she will make sure to get payback and ruin your life... at least when she is mad but she will often regret it and make sure to say sorry later. Please listen to her problems because it could lead her to being depressed.

if she is feeling down you can ask her these questions to make her feel better.
1. Hey... are you okay raven? want me to talk to you? you know i care about you right?

2.raven, you dont deserve to be sad over this... c'mon lets hug! :)

Raven will make sure you are not sad either so cherish her and your precious moments with her :)

"Raven is so kind..."

by randomgirlinhere November 10, 2018


a girl with a big ASS FOREHEAD. her forehead easily trumps Megamind. I could land an airplane on that shit. I could write the entire Declaration of Independence on her forehead and still have room to copy and paste it 16 times. Her forehead is so huge it outshines the Sun when light hits it. She looks like a Mii character whose facial features were moved all the way down. You’d think for someone so toxic, gross and greasy, their ego would be smaller, but clearly that gargantuan space between her eyes and hairline doesn’t have an even a sliver of a brain in it.

you: omg i hate Raven her forehead is so huge
me: me too!!

by balltoucher27 December 19, 2023


An alternative word for the phrase “that’s so gay”, instead of being homophobic, we use the word raven to go along with the phrase “that’s so raven”. No more insults using the word “gay”, as it has its own meaning ((of a person) homosexual (used especially of a man)), use raven.

Y/n: Hey, look at Billy, he’s so embarrassing

Jordan: Billy, that’s so raven!

by Your OG broski June 18, 2019


The hottest full stack developer in town.

Raven is a super sexy dude

by Spawnegg May 23, 2021


It Quoths, and only Quoths “Nevermore.”

“Other friends have flown before— On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before.”
Then the bird said, “Nevermore.”
“Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!”
Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!— Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate, yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—
Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!”
Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore— Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore— Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.”
Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”
“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!” Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

by The “Real” Edgar Allan Poe May 5, 2022


Emo Pigeon

“That Raven just shit all over my car, and I just had it washed!”

by Turtle_Shell :D December 13, 2023


a girl who everyone has a crush on, but raven doesnt know it. raven is the nicest person in the world and deserves everything. she is so pretty and their laugh is contagious. they make you smile with every word, and are so nice. they're super beautiful and a nice person to hangout with. raven is genuinely one of the best people you could ever meet and letting raven go is gonna be the biggest regret of your life.

Friend: TELL ME!! Who do you have a crush on?!

In my mind: Raven <3

by cyeriou May 3, 2022