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Sammy stupid

A girl who people want to date but she won’t say yes to short guys

Short guy: Sammy date me

Sammy stupid:how the weather down there

by Aj the booty boy September 20, 2020

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Sammy stupid

Sammy stupid a person who says no to short guys

Short dude: Sammy date me
Sammy stupid: how the weather down there bud

by Aj the booty boy September 20, 2020

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Sammy D

When you are playing Fortnite and accidentally flick, noscope and headshot an enemy who is over 50 metres away.
It’s a very hard trick shot.

OH MY GOD I JUST SAMMY D’ed that kid in the face!!!!

by MrDankOwl On YouTube April 19, 2019

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Hot Sammy

The act of deficating on one's chest. Obviously a sibling to the Hot Carl and the Hot Sally.

Travis- "Can I give you a Hot Sammy?"
Debra- "I would love if you shit on my chest! Do it."

by Chesterthemelester September 30, 2009

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Sammy Hagar

a punk bitch that could never live up to Diamond Dave

did you hear that new band? the singer sounded like a sammy hagar.

by Damb June 3, 2008

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sammy samosa

The art of hitting someone in the face with your forearm/elbow

Man 1 - "Duude that guys staring you out"
Man 2 - "I'm gonna go over there and give him a sammy samosa right on the nose"

by bertie love December 12, 2009

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backhand sammy

The name given to a backhand slap to the face to shut someone up

1: Backhand Sammy's comin out, I don't want him to, but if u don't shut up...

2: Charlie's gonna get one from Backhand Sammy if he doesn't watch himself

by HeWhoSmokesBitches March 26, 2005

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