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Sweatin like R.Kelly in a girl scout meeting

To sweat profusely. R.Kelly has an addiction to young girls, and if enticed by something such as a girl scout meeting he would try to resist his urges causeing him to sweat.

We were playin and mah man was Sweatin like R.Kelly in a girl scout meeting

by Tony Randolph April 16, 2008

15👍 7👎

Like a 40 year old man choking a girl scout

Like a 40 year old man

choking a girl scout -

No matter what that girl scout did
That 40 year old man is in the wrong

And will be seen as the bad guy .

Due to him being older and stronger

He should show more restraint and be the bigger person and lead by example.

Mildred: Harvey you as wrong Like a 40 year old man choking a girl scout.

Harvey : I don't care

by Blu_leef December 1, 2022

scout gaming

the son of spy gaming. He is friends with pyro and engineer cause why not

scout gaming is best gaming

by raybeez February 11, 2022


The art of hanging out in skanky bars sober in order to pick up drunk women take them home and have sex with them

John went weasel scouting on Saturday night and picked up a 58 year old intoxicated large lady and took her home and boinked her senseless. He went weasel-scouting

by Sarahr November 16, 2013

Boy scouting

When a woman looks at another woman the way men look at women lustfully.

That girl over there is boy scouting you so hard right now Becky.

by Garina Mooch October 3, 2022

Boy Scouting

The act of trying to get more random patches on your uniform than everyone else.

Tom: Did you see how many patches Luke has on his uniform?

Will: He's totally Boy Scouting

by TheFlyingScotsman June 27, 2022

girl scout cookie selectivity

The quality of still being able to manage oneself with something one wishes to indulge in while this one thing is not readily available year round. One does not buy all the girl scout cookies one can. Instead one remains prudent and only buys what one will enjoy and in a timely manner. This can also simply be called self-discipline, but these cookies are a real test.

Despite having the desire to buy many different types and boxes so that she could ravenously devour them to the point of shame. Brenda employed her girl scout cookie selectivity and bought one box of four different types so that she may enjoy two cookies per day for a few months.

by von groovy August 1, 2024