Source Code

Shotgun Shag

Sex that lasts only two seconds before the guy comes. Click, click, boom!

Person #1: Did you have sex with that guy last night? How was it?
Person #2: It was shit. It was a total shotgun shag.

Person #1: Ha! Unlucky.

by Livliga March 25, 2019

Shotgun Golf

You go to a golf course with your shotgun. Hide in the bushes until someone hits a golf ball then shoot it. After that run like hell. Golfer's do not find it as amusing as you will halfway through your 2nd six pack.

Hey man you wanna go dick around at the golf course? I got some more shotgun shells.

Dude I love shotgun golf.

by 326435529 September 8, 2014

Taco Shotgun

This is an act of intercourse performed with some smoking material and a female (only a female this is not the anal shotgun) One must take a hit and blow the shotgun in the ladies (taco) and if accomplished she will then blow out the smoke.

Bro 1: Dude, I gave my girl a taco shotgun and now she wants one like all the time.

Bro 2: No way man, keep doing that shit get her feeling really good

by T-Free88 June 9, 2010

Shotgun Sensai

A driving instructor, an adult that'll drive with you when you have your learners permit, and/ or anyone teaching you how to drive from the passenger seat.

Person A: Hey I heard you got your permit, lets go somewhere
Person B: Nah I can't, my mom won't be Shotgun Sensai.

Person A: Wanna go to the mall friday?
Person B: I can't, I have a lesson with my Shotgun Sensai.

by Dizzymisslizzi April 3, 2009

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Shotgun lovers

Shotgun love is when you love a wide amount of things. Instead of a single shot and loving one thing and being one track minded its like loving an assortment of things. SHOTGUN LOVERS however have two definitions. Number 1 is to be in an open relationship. Loving an assortment of people. Number 2 is love that is so gorgeous and stunning it scatters and spreads like a shotgun shot, from person to person like an infection almost.

1: They're shotgun lovers constantly on the look for their next mark.
2: They are shotgun lovers and sooner or later their love will hit you too.

by OEnglishOne September 16, 2019

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shotgun blowjob

when the guy is smoking weed, he shotguns the girl, she immediately returns to sucking his dick and exhaling a few seconds after. Repeat.

"Dude, I got a shotgun blowjob last night from my girl. She said my dick smelled like weed afterward. "

by HisPotPrincess February 10, 2014

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shotgun wang

Shotgun Wang or i_bruce_easily on instgram and soundcloud.

Shotgun Wang eats a lot of ass.

by ParkerMation September 27, 2017

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