When the perpetrator of a heinous rape case tries to destroy evidence of the victims remains and can't get of slime residue which is used as mRNA to restore the victim's body to good health and humanly form in the next dimension, dithering takes place to separate DNA of the perpetrator and victim and perpetrator sequence tortured in sequence
Did you find slime at the scene—CIA field officer 91/10
Samantha came over with slime and now it’s everywhere, I found some on the freaking ceiling
When something’s pretty cool, lit, or swaggy.
Really fun to say
Did you see that movie?
Yea, it was the slime 🤙🏼
Someone very close to you that got your back through everything, a person who will ride for you and stay 100 with you no matter what.
My slime been with me since day one, you ain't replacing him.