"Kicking the stump" refers to engaging in activities that are ultimately unproductive and futile, often imposed by an employer or authority figure, despite their lack of meaningful impact or effectiveness. These actions are typically repetitive, redundant, and serve little purpose beyond fulfilling arbitrary or bureaucratic requirements. This term captures the essence of tasks that waste time and resources without contributing to any significant outcome or progress.
Despite knowing the prospects had already declined the offer due to higher prices, the sales team spent their afternoon kicking the stump by making follow-up calls, as mandated by their manager.
When two females rub their vaginas together.
When my girlfriend gets drunk she likes to bump stumps with her friend while I watch in the corner dressed as Batman.
The cust that accumulates at the base of your shaft in between Your scrotum and leg.
The act of trying to flatulate out out gas from your rectum, but is blocked by a small piece of feces that was pushed through the bowels by gas, usually needing to get the blockage clears by going to the restroom.
"Man, I really have to fart, but every time I try, I feel like it's blocked by a shit stump, And I feel like I have to shit."
Someone who is an extreme pervert yet also a huge Christian freak at the same time. Their amputated leg also looks like an over grown penis.
Stump Nuts: Anyone named Josh
The act of gay men rubbing their penises against each other, similar to scissoring for women.
Hopefully Denis shaves before he comes tonight, I’m not trying to start a fire when he hits me with the ole stump grinder.
A gay dating site for midgets
The gay midget got a hookup on Stump grinders