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Yurk Hawk

A very humurous way of tricking someone into saying: "Your Cock"

Occasionally used on friends.

You: "Hey bro say Yurk, Hawk, but like fast."
Friend: "Yurk Hawk!"

by Mr. Fat nose idiot February 4, 2021

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Stephen Hawking

Cocktail, of such potent voracity it is known to render the consumer slack faced, unable to enunciate and generally in need of personal one on one care.

Must be served in a traditional dimpled English 'Pint Pot'

The Stephen Hawking is a base of mixed spirits :- Whisky, Gin, Malibu, Vodka. To serve you must up-end three bottles of alcopops (Smirnof Mule, White Lightening, WKD etc.) into the pot and let them syphon out as you consume the lot through a pink straw.

You'll be no closer to being a brillant astro and theoretical physicist but in every other aspect you'll be indistinguishable from the great man himself.

He was shitfaced after just one Stephen Hawking.

One Stephen Hawking is enough to put a lesser man in a coma.

On balance, it would be a bad idea for the Stephen Hawking to have a Stephen Hawking

by Linnetfan November 4, 2011

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Muff Hawk

A muff hawk is when a person shaves his or her pubic area in the form of a mohawk.

Justin: Man Guess What I Did Last Night?
Mike: What?
Justin: Got A Muff Hawk.
Mike: That Is Pretty Awesome.

by Dr.RobLoveStone March 25, 2009

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Like a Hawk

To describe a characteristic of something by relating it to a hawk, even when the Hawk is not known to share that characteristic.

Do you think your mom heard us? Yes, she has ears like a hawk.

by Joshua Cooney September 20, 2008

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poon hawk

someone who enjoys the hunt for the elusive poon

Zach Dunn is a poon hawk

by Damarcus March 20, 2005

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Ball Hawk

A Defensive Back Who Feeds Off Of Wide Recievers

The Kid Corry Thomas is Just a ball hawk

by Ski Thomas January 30, 2018

Broad Hawk

The act of receiving fellatio through a rolled down car window in broad daylight.

Jesse : Yeah dude Lizzy totally broad hawked Adrian in the parking lot.

Rick : Dude no way he got broad hawked?

by captain awesome123 October 3, 2016