A old time thief who steals for food and money for his family, with some respect for society, unlike todays robbers who steal for drugs and liquor and don't give a damn about anything but themselves.
Robber : HA look at this diamond rolex i just stole. I will be able to afford angels dust forever now!
Thief : Hey screw you, i just stole this bag of rice for my family, so we can live.
Robber : wow your a real classic thief, and you have taught me a valuable lesson about society. One that i will now forget when i put this drug to use.
Thats a move in a game called knockout city. Its known for catching air. If u do that in game u will get yelled at by your teammates.
Oh no he did an Victor classic again
Means gay or bent comes from the english footballer Darren bent
That’s classic darren
The act of being awful at anything and everything
Tom that was Classic Bannister
A phrase that a stan of an artist uses to show that the artists new work of music is already projected to be one of the greatest.
*The first seconds of Astroworld start playing*
Travis Scott stans: OMG confirmed classic
A unique person who collects dildos and puts them behind a glass frame
Nathan has a very big Vinnie classic
"@Votanas2" Se le conoce como simpear mujeres con aparato reproductor masculino
aaa era un tio te hicieron la "Votanas Classic"