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Cotton Farmer

1; A derogatory term used to describe a black person; in reference to the historical cotton picking forced upon African slaves.

2; Someone who belongs to a specific genre of persons who pursue sexual relationships, whether momentary or prolonged, with people of Asian ethnicity in a manner that is at least somewhat exclusive.

3; Somebody who likes to remove tampons from a vagina not belonging to them, consenting or otherwise.

Example 1;

Black Guy: "Fuck you cracka!"

White Guy: "Fuck you, cotton farmer!"

Example 2;

Person 1: "That guy's always fuckin' Asian chicks."

Person 2: "Word, he's a fuckin' cotton farmer!"

Example 3;

Fratboy 1: "What's with this guy's wastebin, it's full of used tampons?!"

Fratboy 2: "Oh that sick fucker...you didn't know he was a cotton farmer?"

by Jace Jackson July 30, 2008

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Farmer Joe

Some 30-40-year-old toxic dumbass who lives in the US, you should call someone Farmer Joe when someone is being toxic in your game.

Man STFU Farmer Joe!

by chillp0rtal September 28, 2020

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Simp Farmer

A guy who pretends to be a girl on online games to garner affection and more importantly, loot from simps trying to win him (her) over.

"Yo dog, Jimmy was pretending to be a girl on CoD the other day to get guns and ammo." "Jimmy's a simp farmer"

by Cul Gi July 24, 2020

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pant farmer

A person that grows and reaps underwear.

You're a pant farmer thats what you are.

by Ben from ramsgate May 5, 2006

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farmer logic

to the farmer the only way or best way to do everything but in hindsight it is actually the more complicated / harder way to do things and is the completely un logical way of doing anything . but if there idea dosent work its anyone else's fault but there's .

Yeah that idea was made using farmer logic

by MammaBear!! July 1, 2017

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Farmer Charlie

A man that likes to farm and get laid...

other definition- stud

What are you doing farmer charlie?

Farming and getting laid

by Jwag February 20, 2008

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Peanut Farmer

A term used for gay men who are attracted to men with small testicles. sort of a gay equivalent of chubby chaser.

Jerry is trying to get with that old guy. nah man its cool, hes a peanut farmer so hes into it.

by swiz747 March 2, 2012

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