Willy hand: where a man goes to for a pee and afterwards does not wash their hands. This therefore gives the man a 'willy hand', which potentially passes on willy germs to any unsuspecting person who happens to shake their hand.
In a crowed bar, Jane asks Fred, “Did you just go for a pee and not wash your hands?” “Sure.” “Ahhhhh Fred’s got Willy Hand, Fred’s got Willy hand!”
(Philly hand)A term used in graffiti writing,writing on the walls,a style only owned by a resident of philadelphia,pa.
a style that was developed in philly,long and tall,usually has an arrow at the end,a star at the beginning,sometimes a happy face at the end,or a peace sign,or do-dads,like a money sign,or a np,or a wp depending on what neighboorhood your from(np-being north philly.)showing your hood,or where your from.
CEBE has a fresh philly hand,a traditional hand,he got his tyle from KAPE,and KARAZ..
n. Large, cauliflower-shaped phalanges, ill-suited for use during intercourse.
Hey, Angie... check out the set of popcorn hands on that guy.
1. Any person or persons with greedy tendencies, taking all they can.
2. Not literally, but hands that are dirtied up with selfishness. i.e. hands that steal.
3. A person who cannot keep their hands off of something or someone has the "grabbing hands" - or has to have something in their hands at all times.
Examples of 1:"The higher ups are always the grabbing hands."
"The grabbing hands grab all they can only for themselves."
Example of 2: "Thieves always have a bad case of the grabbing hands and never know when to stop"
Examples of 3: "He got a little too carried away with his grabbing hands with me after I had asked him to stop countless times"
"She always has to have a grabbing hand on her phone, like it was glued to it"
1. The crusty orange powder that ends up on any finger you use to shove Cheetos into your face
I had to lick off my Cheeto hand before my girl came over....
When a guy has very rough, calloused hands. Usually a result from years of wear on the hands.
Sophie: Hey Tina, I heard Joe felt you up last night, how was it?
Tina: Wasnt as good as I was expecting, major case of blacksmith hands!
Sophie: Nasty...
Shower Hands - Adj
Used to describe the fingers of person who has been in a shower for a while and cannot roll a cigarette or joint.
Guy 1: Aww, shit dude. I've been washing up for a job and now i can't roll a doobie for after. Fucking shower hands
Guy 2: Sucks bro