Source Code

Maternal Fetal Medicine (Standard Fetal Medicine): The First Juvenile Release.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to knowing that axolotls are also eagles.

Person 1: Are you a homo-sapien who is addicted to knowing that axolotls are eagles.
Person 2: Yessa
Person 1: Maternal Fetal Medicine (Standard Fetal Medicine): The First Juvenile Release.

by LeSouffleDeVersailles February 9, 2025

the standard


"Beomgyu is the standard."

by beomgyusnovia December 9, 2021

selective double standard

A double standard based more on somebody's personal negative feelings than on fairness.

Lindsay the supervisor would order people she hated to do more work than everyone else (move the goalposts on them) and was quicker to try and get them fired if she hated them (a negative feeling towards them she would always deny having or say someone else felt that way if asked simply, plainly, and directly) whether they did their jobs as well as everyone else or not. She lived by the same kind of selective double standard she would always try and poke fun at others for having.

by The Original Agahnim November 13, 2021

standard holocaust

Unit of population equivalent to 6 million people. Named after the most commonly reported Jewish death toll during the holocaust. Sometimes considered offensive.

Have you seen Pewdiepie's youtube channel, man? He has over 60 million subscribers. That's like 10 standard holocausts!

by fake news peddler July 17, 2018

Bill Standard Time

Bill standard time also known as bst is any time zone that has billworthy individuals residing within it. Anyone who is named bill automatically makes the time zone they live in bill standard time.

John: where exactly is bill standard time?
Bill: anywhere I set my graces

by readyplayerone1 January 9, 2022

Standard Fetal Medicine For A Monochromatic Pamper Fondle (Doctor): The First Juvenile Release.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Standard Fetal Medicine For A Monochromatic Pamper Fondle (Doctor): The First Juvenile Release.

by LeSouffleDeVersailles February 9, 2025

Standard 0236 811

1: Type of sink
2: A type of error on Skeppy's live stream service

Skeppy used this in Skeppy's stream "Minecraft with BadBoyHalo - Jukebox Story!"
skeppylive VODs

"Standard 0236 811, American... Cadet..., Skeppy this is a picture of a sink. Did you just give me a picture of a sink?!"

by ThatNorthCarolinian March 30, 2024