To be kind. To take things easy. Used when telling others to behave. Used mostly by colorful equines.
Hors, kind pls
What new age wanna be hippy call weed.
Tommy dragged me to a EDM concert and some self proclaimed "spiritual Guru" tried to sell me kind Bud in a porta potty.
what short bus riders refer to quality weed.
also a pitch line to sell short bus riders weed by referring it to "kind" some know so little they refer to it as "kine" either way people using this term are generally looking for anything not "ditch weed"
Matt sold Ryan "kind bud" at a gloryhole in San Francisco's castro district
When a group of people share beliefs contrary to the viewpoints of the majority and still belief they are right.
Donald Trump supports are the same kind of stupid.
A euphemism for someone who is stoned to the point of being unable understand or answer basic questions.
The phrase comes from the tendency of people to go to places like Chipotle when high and then inevitably give a non-answer when the first question--"black or pinto beans?-- is asked.
Poor Chipotle employee: "Hello sir, can I take your order?"
Stoned kid: "I want a burrito"
Employee: "Okay, would you like black or pinto beans on that?"
Stoned kid: *no response*
Employee: "Black or pinto?"
Stoned kid: *no response*
Employee: ...
Stoned kid: "Yes"
Employee: "Okay, both kinds of beans it is"
*Couple walks past kid, obviously stoned out of his mind*
"Wow, he looks like he got both kinds of beans."
kind of kind of means someone is fit or sexy in a way (weirdly) you can’t describe why
Will is kind of kind of omg.
Something you will not find on the internet.
Timmy: i wonder if people on the internet may give me kindness and support for my suisidal thoughts?
Redditard: Lol #looking4attenrionalert die shit, die
Timmy: *kills himself*