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black tunnel

The apparent shape made by a little black party dress when you wake up to discover you've only managed to get it half way over your head before drunkenly passing out.

"I woke up in the black tunnel again."

by zzzgrl January 24, 2009

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tunnel cake

The fresh human defication created for eating pleasure.

Yeah, hold on a minute boss. I am making you a tunnel cake

by johnnydydoes December 6, 2010

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tunnel inspector

One who is an inspector of assholes. An anus inspector, digging into ones anus.

Looking in his deep dark tunnel, I couldn't wait to inspect his tunnel with my hard cock, and become a master tunnel inspector!

by Johnny Union February 29, 2016

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Tunnel Rats

A group of people that smoke Weed under bridges without anyone knowing or caring.

Kelley: Hey you wanna go meet up with the tunnel rats today after school?
Emma: Yeah sure smoke some weed in that tunnel.
Kelley: I got some great Bud

by dagreatest69 May 17, 2011

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tunnel vision

When a person pulls their partner(s) anus apart, and puts his/her head in their partners ass.

Tunnel vision can be;

a popular sexual act, given to teenagers as a welcoming to the gay society.

a test of strength and courage that will be used in the upcoming 2008 Beijing olympics.

by REVOLV3R November 4, 2007

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Tunnel Snake

Tunnel Snaking is when you drop your feces on a pan, then either heat it in the microwave, oven, or with fire, until it is almost completely solid. Then you forcibly insert it into the anus of somebody you wish to degrade. You leave it their and wait until they need to make feces, then they have to poop out both of the feces.

Yea. David was being a bitch again, so I just went into the kitchen and warmed up my shit, then came out and tunnel snaked him till he cried and his asshole bled.

Dude.... That is so Fucked up on so many levels.

by Felipe ngagopgjwoipgjao[d-2 May 20, 2009

34πŸ‘ 168πŸ‘Ž

Secret tunnel

It’s your period tunnel

Girl: I have blood coming out of my secret tunnel

Boy: interesting

by Hanan.da.banan🍌 October 4, 2020

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