The most annoying creatures to ever exist. All vsco girls deserve a slow painful death, like being burnt alive. just kidding. unless-
Bob: are you a vsco girl?
olivia: sksksksksk and i oop- omg i dropped my hydroflask! sksksks sorry about that sksksks i gtg! remember to save the turtles! sksksksks
Bob: can i kick your balls
An annoying human being. Wears the following:
-kanken backpack
-vans or Birkenstock’s
-bracelets....lots of bracelets
-big tee shirt
-Lulu lemon leggings or athletic shorts
Normally wears her hair on a messy bun. She will constantly say the phrases “aND i oOP” or “skskskksskksksksks”. Says she is concerned about saving wildlife(specifically turtles)....but probably isn’t.
Karen—“Oh my gosh. I love my daughter sooooooo much”
Daughter—“sksskksksksks and I oop!!!”
Linda—“ew....your daughter is a vsco girl. How could you love such an annoying piece of doo doo???!!!!!”
A annoying girl that says " sksksksk" or " and i oop" to literally everything you say. Known for "save the turtles" and doesnt go anywhere without a metal straw or scrunchies. Oh and cant forget about those vans that doesnt even last them a week because they get so dirty. Wears tube tops and jeans pulled up to their bellybutton with a shell necklace.
" omg skskskskksks thats so funny"
"bro shes such a vsco girl shes so annoying"
Vsco girls are caring and sweet but really annoying due to them sneaking up to you instead of the devil. wearing birks,crocs,vans,oversised tees,nike shorts and the famous scrunchies. Ⓢ🅚Ⓢ🅚Ⓢ🅚
are you a vsco girl ? sksksksk and i oop !
A VSCO girl is a person who is obsessed with metal straws, hydro flasks, scrunches, shell necklaces, wearing short shorts with oversized t-shirts and saying “An I oop an I oop sksksk”
VSCO girls-“An I oop an I oop sksksk”
Other ppl- “ugh it’s the VSCO girls”
A dum girl is likes hydro flasks and says sksksksk, and I oop
Vsco Girl: oh my gosh save the turtles and I forgot my Hydro flash. Where is my scrunching dad
A dum girl is likes hydro flasks and says sksksksk, and I oop
Vsco Girl: oh my gosh save the turtles and I forgot my Hydro flash. Where is my scrunching dad