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The action of smoking e-cigarettes.

WARNING: Do this action with extreme caution. Because if you are not careful an American kickboxer will come and beat you up.

Guy: Starts vaping
*Tourer Dans le Vide starts playing*

by sticman9 October 15, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Take a bowl of water and put it in the micarwave untill its boiling then take a condom and tie it up and give it to your partner and let her rip

Amanda loves her vaping so much it expoded

by ndcsn(alltheohternamesaretoken May 15, 2018


Training for sucking dick

Boy :Do you vape ?
Girl : yeah !

Boy : you must suck a lot of dick!
Vaping the dumbest thing ever invented

by Rraadical March 11, 2020


When you vape you are suddenly โ€œcoolโ€

Jerry: you vape?
Yes vaping is cool

by Crempent December 2, 2019


pov: your watching charli damelio vape 3 years ago

ima start vaping

by Popp Hunna May 13, 2021


Vaping is for fucking losers who sit on their ass in parks or bathrooms.

Vapers also like to steal shit for no reason and get banned from supermarkets.
If you Vape your loved one doesn't actually love you.

People also call Vapes "Stigs" as an Australian slang term for a vape device. The term stigs is also a way to make vapers feel better about themselves.

Vaping makes you look like a smoke machine.

Vapelord from VapeNation: "Hey guys wanna vape"

Real humans: "No shut the fuck up you waste of oxygen I think vaping is for cocksuckers"
Nobody likes vaping and liking vaping makes you a shit person with no self care.

by steven cumming September 17, 2020


The other thing that got my friends suspended

They were vaping in the bathroom at school during lunch.

by PepperAcheeseVboatEfroggyRdogY March 12, 2019