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work the middle

1) to have sexual intercourse

He can't work the middle like I can.

by what you know August 10, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Work wife

The coworker of your preference that makes working the overnight shift tolerable. A funny, beautiful, witty, and entertaining female counterpart in the work place.

If it wasnโ€™t for my work wife, I would quit working in this hell hole.

by Tuffmuff February 7, 2020

62๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Work CC'd

When an employee that does not get along with another employee, deliberately copies all email correspondence to a boss just to get the employee in trouble; a form of work tattle-tailing.

Shit! Teresa just Work CC'd our boss on the blown development deal.

by Turdface Johnson September 11, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

put in work

Applying personal initiative and responsibility throughout a duration of time, in order to accomplish either a short or long term goal.

Son: Dad i really want to own my own business one day and grow up to be a chulo just like you.

Dad: First off you can never be a true chulo, but if you go to college, study hard and put in work, one day you might own your own business.

by TrU CHU May 23, 2011

221๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

College Works

A scam, a pyramid scheme, a lie. Through an intricate brainwashing process, the company tricks college students into providing them with free promotion and labor, and providing innocent homeowners with god awful paint jobs. Even worse, College Works has an entire corporate branch made just to go online and promote the program by posing as satisfied college students. They compose false testimonials and make fake accounts for online forums to argue with complainers and people who call them out. There are considerable chunks of their website devoted to refuting claims that their program is a scam.
Please Google search "College Works" and form your own opinion.

I got an internship with College Works Panting! There were so many rigorous interviews and training sessions, but they said they want to hire me as a manager!

by bottom brick February 21, 2011

198๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

real work

When somebody is doing something productive such as homework or making bank.

I made mad bank today at my job. I was doing real work, not ursa work.

by ursanore March 5, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

working families

(Chiefly used in the plural form.) A high-maintenance demographic identified by politicians (such as Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd) as requiring especial economic and moral support of their chosen lifestyle, as well as requiring constant and frequently gratuitous mention in political rhetoric -- in particular, during electioneering and in Budget speeches. In political demography, "working families" may be considered the human counterpart of the sacred cow.

Antonyms to "working families" are difficult to specify as politicians refuse to confirm any type of eligible voter as definitely excluded by the term. However, examination of the context in which "working families" is used suggests that it essentially refers to households in which dependent children reside. Thus, antonyms would include (among others) "single people", "couples without children", and "empty-nesters".

We must abolish WorkChoices (draconian industrial relations legislation) because it's unfair to working families.

by notaworkingfamily May 22, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž