Gret gay cabbage pringle boy
That guy over there is a fucking Ball Zack
a white kid that is always trying to take your hoe. Also always sucking dick in the bathroom
Why you always gotta be Zack Shankin me dude.
a person that is not functioning in a office environment and nobody seems to care
Miles; "Where did Jason go?" Bob; "What'd you think? He's at the coffee machine zacking as usual."
when you are hacked by your supposed friend zac, likely part of his attempt to conquer the world
robyn: "the second i opened that image from zac my instagram broke"
elsie: "yeah mine too!"
ruby: "same bro"
mel: "omg really?!"
robyn: "gals... i think we've been zacked"
To getfucked so hard you miss school/occupation at least 1 day.
Victoria got stage 5 zacked and didn't show up to school for months.