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The unholy union between a pirate and a ninja. Pirates and ninjas are widely known to be mortal enemies and are locked in eternal oppisition to each other.

Pirate-ninjas rarely exist in nature because they have extremely short half-lives; upon their creation they rapidly decay in a violent burst of short-wave radiation, heat, shurikens, and parrot feathers.

Pirates vs. ninjas - that ages-old question. Who would win?

The pirate-ninjas, of course!

by Zeda December 7, 2005

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spooge pirate

A woman whos primary objective in life is to rob unsuspecting men of their man juice. They use and abuse men just so they can add to their collection of spooge.

Do you think I should go out with her? No way man. I wont let you fall victim to another spooge pirate.

by Heywood Jablomy March 13, 2005

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Jaunty Pirate

1. Having a buoyant or self-confident air like a pirate.
2. Crisp and dapper in appearance.
3. Self knowing in confidence on the field of battle.

"Andy resembled a jaunty pirate as he entered the office, his appearance was fierce as he exuded nothing but confidence."

by Geocoder June 26, 2009

Pirate Peek

When a woman only shows one of their two breasts. A pirates eye-patch is like the woman's bra, covering up one eye.

Person 1: So did you finally see her sweet montezumas?

Person 2: Na man, just a pirate peek, but it was worth seeing the one paw pattie.

by ID 10 T error June 25, 2011

Pasta Pirate

A slur against Italian pirates. Especially against pirates with pasty white skin and either heterochromia or a missing eye. These pirates are usually up at ungodly hours of the night playing video games doing silly challenges for the amusement of themselves or others.

That, Sandy is such a pasta pirate

by Mr. Doogles April 5, 2023

pirate law

Humans live by a series of commonly accepted behaviours, norms, and laws. Someone who abides by pirate law, lives their life by their own set of rules which may or may not be accepted by the rest of society. Under this philosophy, one takes what they want without concern over consequences or compassion for others. To follow such a philosophy is to live and behave much like a pirate.

If a person steals from others - not because of need but out of want, they are living by pirate law.
If a person stops or interrupts traffic to cross the street - not because they are in a rush, but simply because they want to cross, they are living by pirate law.

by Keds January 26, 2014

Swag pirate

A massive cunt who steals other people's swag in an attempt to be accepted by society but fails miserably because they're a useless piece of shit that can't do anything

What a shit cunt must be a swag pirate

by Starker March 30, 2017