Wearing shit clothes but still managing to pull them off because your bomb hair n makeup make up for it.Half fit,half tramp-the exact half way line between trampy and fit
When your best mate,yve, is wearing joggers and an old tshirt and asks if she looks trampy so you reply you look trampy fit because although her clobber's shite she's still managing to slay all the fuck boys in the land because her makeup's lookin slick af
Damnnnnnnn did you see what she wore to the party yesterday? That was a mad fit.
Purposely not openening someone’s message
I’m wii fitting Ben because I don’t really want to talk to him
Another word for mantrum. A tantrum from a grown man.
When he couldn't get his creation to work the way he wanted to, he threw a himsy fit.
A needle after a junkie has used it
I'm gonna stab you with this dirty fit
The tantrum thrown by grown middle to upper age white males and females who feel as if they have earned the right to always get their way and should be seen as superior to all others.
Karen pitched a boomer fit when the hairdresser told her they had no available appointments until the following week.
junior grimes’ favorite game.
When it’s every man/woman and animal for himself/herself, can be applied for anyone at the gym
Term coined by Ricky off trailer park boys, but brought back by old J
J; you know the drill boys, Survival of the fitness