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Sports Bro

A man’s undergarment designed for extra Moob support and protection during sports and recreational activities similar to a β€œSports Bra” for women.

This guy wore a Sports Bro the last time we played basketball to protect his Moobs and minimize Moob bouncing while running up and down the court.

by v1slick April 27, 2010

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

sports scientist

1. A person studying or research sport, exercise, and physical performance.

2. A stupid person at university. From the perceived low entry requirements and standards of sports science university courses.

1. 'The sports scientist thought the track was too narrow'.

2. 'The sports scientist had to be shown how to open a book'.

by Bill April 17, 2004

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

sports beer

a low calorie beer (michelobe ultra) that your health conscious friend who you used to drink real beer with, drinks now. Not good for watering plants or the lawn. Not good to use if you want to get drunk either. Not good for your masculinity at all.

Hey Slipp pass me a sports beer it seems water has lost its flavor!?

Hey Jason michelobe ultra's bubbles make my tummy feel guilt free after all those sit ups!!!!!

I can fit into my sexy pants now that I only drink sports beer.

Sports beer its like gatorade for adults who want to drink responsibly without the fear of getting drunk or fat.

by EPOTTS October 27, 2006

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

water sports

Taking the piss out of your lover

Both of them were great enthusiasts of water sports though neither used wet suits

by Dave Bannister January 22, 2005

294πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž

Barstool Sports

A website/blog for sport loving pinky dicks.

Basically like 4chan, only for middle aged, fat, ugly, angry woman-hating men, who circle jerk over unfunny images, unbelievably lame jokes, and taunt each other with with threats of their favorite sports team beating up another team.

Love Michael Vick. Because assholes.

The least likable people on Earth all decided to make a blog devoted to being everything that people hate about sports fans, and generally gives everyone on Earth a bad name.

Call each other "stoolies" and are identified by pictures of fat date rape enthusiasts, in T-shirts, who wear baseball caps backwards, holding up crudely written signs with the website name on it.

Which probably have their name, address and phone, printed on the back, in case they leave the sign in their male prostitute's asshole.

Barstool Sports is great, if you ever want to feel better about yourself. Just read the comment section of pretty much any article. You'll feel like a genius.

by Lig Na Baste September 8, 2012

326πŸ‘ 424πŸ‘Ž

extreme sports

Sports which rock, such as boardin, inline, bmxin, sufin. Need i go on?

It simply rocks

by sk8ter. August 25, 2003

29πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

sport fucking

1. The activity of having sex for the aerobic benefit. Also, athletic sex.
2. To keep a score card of the act of "love", what a playa does. It's the game that you hate and not the playa

1. I was sport fucking your sister when I threw my back out.
2. Last weekend I was sport fucking and I tapped your moms, your sister, your girl friend and her sister.

by LeRoy January 13, 2004

109πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž