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trucker's arm

when one forearm is more tanned than the other. this phenomenon is due to one side of your body being closer to a car window than the other. the condition gets more noticeable after long drives, hence it is named after truckers. if you're driving in America your left forearm gets tanned. if you're driving in the UK your right forearm gets tanned. if you're driving in Asia you're probably fucked anyway so it really doesn't matter

After the 8 hour drive my left arm was experiencing a nasty case of trucker's arm

by homebrewer April 25, 2014

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Babies Arm

An apt way to describe ones chap, when, but only when, on removal from ones pants the lucky lady gasps with delight!

The young lady thought his chap looked like a babies arm gripping an apple.

by Simon October 11, 2004

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farmers arm

Refers to the rather unfortunate tan you get on your arms from wearing t-shirt's in the summer. Very similar to 'Drivers Arm', the Farmers Arm originates from the country region of Australia and can also be obtained from driving down long dirt roads in the summer with 3 other mates and a carton of beer.

Katie: "Let's go to the pool, its so bloody hot"
Linda: "Yeah, I need to get rid of these farmers arms"


Linda: "No way, I'm not going anywhere with this farmers arm"


Linda: "OMG! I've got farmers arm"

by Bretho November 8, 2006

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when you get older or are just really flabby and then lose weight you get extra skin under your armpit that you can jiggle like jello.

man 1"Damn man you got some wicked arm-a-jello"
man 2"I know its so fun to jiggle"

by chunky chicken corn chowder July 9, 2007

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Turpin Arms

An individual who has extremely malnourished arms. He/she tends to sleep a lot. Food is visually consumed 90% of the time.

OMG Lindsey! Look are your little Turpin Arms. You really need to eat more.

by Flifalaber March 5, 2018

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Dino Arms

Goin crazy like a boss, step three of the Twank by 2Dope.

Also: See Twank

That fool was goin nuts last night with his dino arms.

by Joseph Sorensen October 4, 2011

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zombie arm

zom-bee arm -noun : that thing that happens when you lay on your arm the wrong way, so that when you wake up, it's impossible to move.

It took me longer than usual to get ready, because I had zombie arm this morning.

by lttlmnstr June 25, 2011

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