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Swing Life Away

(noun) One of the best songs by a recorded definition rock band known as "Rise Against." This band has written several well-known and loved songs. This particular item is fabulous, and should be blasted on your stereo as you drive through town or whereever you drive.

"DUDE! Put back in Rise Against, flip it to Swing Life Away!"

by crys_tal July 4, 2005

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away message trick

when you are on Instant Messenger and put your away message on so you choose who you want to talk to so the douches you dont want to talk to wont talk to you

Annoying Kid: Hey
Auto Response from You: I am Away from the Computer.
Cool Kid: Hey
You: Hey, I'm using the away message trick so I don't have to talk to douches.

by The Kaskie August 17, 2006

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Slay the day away


"slay the day away"

by urmomgayashell4me May 21, 2022

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fade away money

more money than you knows what to do with. Ballin so out of control.

He gots so much fade away money that buying that benz was nothing to him at all.

by tommyhawk76 August 8, 2008

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Confident walk away

When you get done with that perfect dump and consider wiping, but are so confident that you will have a ghost wipe that you just pull up your britches and confidently walk away.

Dude - Dude, just blew a confident walk away.

Other Dude - What?

Dude - I lost confidence, wiped, and it was totally unnecessary.

Other Dude - How do you fuck that up?

by The Evil Dingo June 11, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

put her away

The act of wooing a woman which results in sexual intercourse, usually referring to a woman you have just met.

"I met up with Lucy last night she was gagging for it so i put her away!"

by Ian Lawlor January 19, 2007

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playing away team

A phrase describing the art of shacking up at the other person's house. Most (usually) guys don't prefer this, as there are several variables that are no longer in the (usually) guys favor. i.e. crazy roommate, creepy place, etc.

"I go over there after the club, and 1.she lives in a DORM, 2. her roommate watched us go at it, and 3. she has a picture of her boyfriend on one of the pillows!"
"man, that's crazy. That's what you get for playing away team"

by Mr. Wilkins September 30, 2006

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