A Pejorative term for people who think highly of their cooking abilities, due to the fact that their recipes contain marijuana, and/or a person that is high during the cooking process.
"Oh great! That No-Bake Cooky found It's way back into My house. Now everything tastes like ass and I can't drive."
"That No-Bake Cooky just microwaved a box of Little Debbies Cosmic Brownies."
According to Joe Budden bake the donuts means to hit the studio.
I'm about to bake the donuts and release a new mixtape.
Chatting with a friend on the internet while both you and the friend are high. This is essentially getting high with a friend, but you aren't together.
Guy 1: "Me and J got so baked this weekend."
Guy 2: "That's chill. At whose house?"
Guy 1: "Both. We were Web Baking"
A sandwich that contains alot of pig products and is placed in the oven to melt all of the cheese. A sandwich suitable for someone who doesnt have self esteem and care how they look or feel. A sandwich that can replace the feeling of wanting to throw up after eating 3 Big Mac's. Irish girls named Mick usually tend to gravitate towards Baked Hogs.
Chris - "What do you wanna do for lunch Mick?"
Mick - "Im starving, I could go for a Baked Hog ."
Chris - "That's nasty. Your nasty."
eye fucking; as in making bed-room eyes at a person, normaly making them horny.
OMG; that hot ATO guy was soooo biscut baking me on the B-Bus!!!
Condition of someone, who has had too much of a certain substance, and is now more or less completely delirious.
1:You seen Ulrike the other day at the Party?
2: Yeah, she was completely baked to the bones.