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Creamy Bastards

Multiple pints of Guinness

I can't wait to finish work and drain some creamy bastards!

by sirArfur September 23, 2010

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rich bastard

Another word for The College Board

Those rich bastards running The College Board make me pay to take a test that I'm going to fail anyways.

by Gape Newell October 7, 2015

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Handsome Bastard

An ikemen in a hentai that is alpha, naughty, sexy, muscular, and most importantly, HORNY AS FUCK. The equivalent of the bad boy every girl wants to screw. He has a voice as hot as Levi and some mad fingering skills.

Girl 1: I'm so sick of seeing ugly bastards, dumb virgins with milfs, and beta losers in a harem
Girl 2: Have you seen the new firefighter hentai? Petition for hanime to start a handsome bastard tag!

by wanglinkai February 10, 2021

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bastard fairies

the worlds greatest band.

thebastardfairies.com Prepare for enlightenment, for the bastard fairies shall take over soon.

by Shmebla. October 8, 2006

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Sad Bastards

A person(s) that leaves a definition on a web site, defacing definitions and claiming that certain definitions are not fit to reside in cyberspace. This person is usually guilty of doing that which he/she is accusing others of doing.

"I hate people that sit around all day and leave comments on websites that suck...oh, wait....that's me. Damn."

by beebo April 18, 2005

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Russian Bastard

A situation in tetris where you get a piece that you don't want or need.

Situation: Unwanted piece is given;

Response: I got The Russian Bastard twice in a row!

by pawnkake August 30, 2009

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dopey bastard

Silly idiot

ex. Penguins can't fly you dopey bastard

by RacistPenutButter May 31, 2016