Brady Montgomery is commonly known as a sexy cunt that is just a straight carry
Fuck it’s Brady Montgomery
The act of kissing everyone in your family on the mouth
Yeah my dad tried to kiss me on the mouth I dogded the kiss and said "whoa dad who do i look like Tom Brady"
The G.O.A.T of the NFL (National Football League). He has been to 10 Super Bowls, and has won 7 of those. He holds the record for most passing yards, (that being 91,653 total with regular and playoff games). And many other records that I am way to lazy to write here.
Yo You see tom brady throw that legendary pass sunday night?
The deflated nut sack of an animal that has been spayed.
My dog was upset when he came from the vet and found his Tom Brady's where his balls used to be.
Brady is the type of guy that you can count on. Hell he is willing to get punched in the face for you. All he want is love and to be loved back. He will do anything to show off for a pretty girl.
Brady Sandoval I’d badass
When you pay someone $2 for a quick handjob in a car or on a roof.
Man coming back down from roof
Boss: where were you?
Man: getting a discreet Brady. I was on break anyways