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madd brick

when it's extremely cold out; bitter, icy, cutting weather. as though you walked into a brick wall of cold.

ebonics & urban slang, popular in Brooklyn, NYC.

"yo, it's madd brick out! lemme go put on my triple fat goose down jacket."

by Strangers call me Lucy July 27, 2009

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Awkward Brick

A situation that reaches extremely high levels of uncomfortableness and perplexity. It is when it is so awkward, you won't talk to the other people for the rest of your life. It is as if a giant brick of awkward fell from the sky and landed in the room, smashing all other emotions.

"Son, were getting a divorce."

"Baby, I'm cheating on you with your two brothers."

by Jesus Dacuma March 17, 2008

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bricked up

to have a boner

"bro you can see that guys boner!"
"damn hes bricked up"

by yurtness June 9, 2022

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Brick Walker

Old Southern Slang term for someone who is Unemployed; typically desperate for cash and willing to do anything to get by

Hank: "Say, you wouldn't happen to see that damn bastard at the corner harassing drivers on their way to work, did you?"

Boomhauer: "Man, dem' Brick Walkers dun' gon' 'round blessin' for cash all dang ol' day, i tell ya h'wat"

by forwhomthebellstoll November 2, 2018

nokia brick

One of those phones which are known for being bulky and never breaking
like the saying "drop an iphone, break the screen, drop a nokia brick, break the floor"

guy 1 "i broke my iphone the other day, had to get a new one
guy 2 "what you got now?"
guy 1 "not much, just a nokia brick

by dabantabus April 30, 2015

Brick Hill

A Website Where Some Asshole Named Spacebuilder Likes Hunting Children

Woah, We Don't Any Of That Brick Hill Shit In Our Club, Get Out Of Here You Pedo!

by Bad Username? April 18, 2022

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juice the brick

To recharge a NiCad battery, especially the large, brick-like batteries used in older notebook computers and video cameras.

Max: "hey Evan my cameras dieing i need to go juice the brick"

by Evan and Max June 28, 2006

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