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Addict_ed's whole dc server

Everyone in it is hot asf and cool like yall are the best ppl ily /p :)

Ty for making this amazing server addict_ed
And ty for everyone thats in addict_ed's whole dc server :)

by Alyssa_<3 August 24, 2021

She fucked the whole crew

She literally fucked all your friends

Bro she fucked the whole crew, stay away.

by Declan Pirog July 30, 2020

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Open a whole can of beans

A term used by a famous East London gangster Ahmed Ali, when a troublesome situation arises when a decision or action produces a subsequent problem.

"Oh no mark! Don't do that, you are going to open a whole can of beans!"

by AhmedTheG October 31, 2020

my whole snack bish

Corbyn Besson hes a whole snack but he’s my BISH- @c_o_r_b_e_a_n__b_e_s_s_o_n is my insta follow me his is @corbynbesson

Corbyn Besson is my whole snack bish only used by Brianna Besson and Christina Marie

by Bri Besson July 11, 2018

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Ur whole family homoerectus

The worst insult ever to exist ever in the history of the world, worst than β€œUr Mom gay and Ur dad Lesbian” combined anyone you use it against dies instantly and their whole family is dishonored.

Brad: β€œUr Mom gay lol”

Ryan: β€œUr whole family homoerectus

Brad” *dies and gets banished to the shadow realm*

by GremlinsGastLighter69 March 9, 2018

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He was dead the whole time

Whatever happens to the main character of a movie you or a friend hasn't seen.

Friend: I really want to see Forrest Gump.
You: You totally should it's go a great twist. He was dead the whole time.

by thegameguydude815 January 3, 2012

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Whole nine yards

The actual origin of the phrase "the whole nine yards" originates from late 19th century explosive mining methods, where a "whole nine yards" of safety fuse would be used(The maximum length that could be reliably used without burning out before igniting the dynamite) in the case of a huge detonation, hence longer fuses give you more time to get the fuck out of there.

Miner 1: How much did you plant???
Miner 2: The whole nine yards
*second impact*

by DarkRPAdmin August 6, 2019

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