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Miami shopping cart

A Long Island ice tea with cocaine.

Gary lay off the Miami shopping carts you might get diarrhea.

by Popeye the shopping man November 14, 2022

Abandoned Cart

A digital graveyard for items that were once desired, but ultimately left behind. When online shoppers add items to their virtual carts but fail to complete the checkout process, resulting in a haunting reminder of what could have been. Abandoned carts are the modern-day equivalent of window shopping, but with less physical effort and more emotional baggage.

Abandoned cart syndrome is a common affliction for those who dabble in domain name shopping, with many enthusiasts adding dozens of potential website names to their cart, only to abandon them all when they realize they're not actually going to start a business anytime soon.

by lostcarts May 9, 2023

shopping-cart sidle

Refers to da "lift 'n' shift" grocery-wagon maneuver dat you utilize when making room for another customer if da aisle is too narrow/crowded to simply roll da trolley forwards/backwards outta da way; da action involves forcibly lifting up on da cart's handle to raise da fixed-forward rear wheels off da floor, and then muscling da cart sideways on its front swivel-wheels.

Anyone of average strength/agility can master da shopping-cart sidle fairly easily; da problem is if da cart is heavily loaded down wif merchandise, in which case trying to heave da back of da cart upwards can be much more difficult.

by QuacksO January 3, 2020


One who brings the power.

E-cart is a powerhouse

by SkinnyCat September 20, 2023

Cart Friday

On Friday, after work/school, a group meets up somewhere, and smokes their carts until they are too faded to function.

Don’t forget the carts, it’s Cart Friday this weekend.

by Jamisonevans66299 January 12, 2023

Glo Cart

Glo is a company that sells cannabis oil and vapes on its website with ‘flavours’ retailing for between $20 and $30. Essentially Glo Carts are THC vapes people can smoke to get high.

x: what happened to that kid
y: He ODed on a glo cart and greened out

by mmay._ June 9, 2022


When a person Coughs and Farts simultaneously releasing a sound (or sounds) like The Gates of HELL have been blasted open, but only stench of eggs and beans remain.

Grandpa: "CARTS"
Children: Grandpa... You carted.
Son: Dad that sounds like hell.... And smells like eggs.... And beans.

by McDoobie&McBongsJointTreatment July 9, 2019