To drink beers quickly or with the intention of getting very drunk. To make haste in the disposal of beers by ingesting them.
I can't wait to start clipping skinnies after work today.
belfast slang for look at the state of you or just you look a mess
have you had a shower look at the clip of ya
When someone gets owned/says something that will get them cancelled and it’s recorded.
They’ve been clipped.
Dude 1: that guy was a (insert racist slur here)
Dude 2: yo I was recording that!
Dude 3: you just got clipped bro
when you hit/punch someone in there head
When I see that n*gga Ima clip his bean
girl 1: aye yo you want him dead
girl 2: yeah slang the clip
Hooked shaped clip often attached to a banana plug or BNC cable for testing electrical signals in circuits. Sometimes also called grabbers, minigrabbers, test clips, or hookgrabbers.
Yo, pass me those clip doodles, I want to see those sweet oscillations in the common loop gain stage.
Verb: Of or pertaining to the disassociating with a woman that has committed adultery against a man or woman with whom they shared a committed, monogamous relationship.
I knew I did myself a favor when I clipped-the-whore.