common surname in South Africa but is the best surname you could ask for, Diale's are usually clever, kind hearted and rich
Person1: Why does that guy have a Rolex
Person2: Because he's a Diale
A popular surname in South Africa. People with this surname are usually kind hearted, funny and usually care about others. This is the best surname you could ask for in South Africa.
Person 1: Why does that person have a Rolex in grade 6
Person 2: Because he's a Diale
To be dialling.
High on speed/ other amphetamine based substances. another term for 'Tuning'
Person 1: "Man, that taxi driver was sure on the dial!"
Person 2: "yeh he probly got up just before he found us"
1. The act of deliberating calling a person's phone number repeatidly in succession.
2. The disrespecting act of making a nuisance of one's self by continuously dialing a number. As if doing the same thing (dialing) over and over again, will produce a different result.
Why is Allie always stalk dialing people? lf they wanted to talk to her, they would!
A person that is doing physical science and hates it and wants to put the entire subject to an end and thy cannot see
I'm such a rego diale bruh,but I can see
Take a table to the top of a hill in the Scottish countryside, and place a plastic penis on top of it, and rotate with the path of the sun.
I was bored one day, and decided to go outside and become a Scottish Sun Dial
To masturbate tickle the clitoris
Dialing the Pink telephone She dialed the pink telephone last night