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The Dunham Difference

The Dunham difference is the difference special people give to Dunham. The DIFFERENCE is EVERYTHING!

Wow Jane, the Dunham difference is going to perform today on the stage

by DunhamStudent.org November 1, 2020

Different cups of tea for different poodles

1. A phrase that means different people like different things.

2. A substitute for the more common colloquial different strokes for different folks

1. I don't understand why John insists on taking the long way home, but different cups of tea for different poodles I guess.
2. I'm not sure what Laura sees in Paul. He's so gross. I guess it just goes to show different cups of tea for different poodles.

by a,sjdb March 8, 2024

Different one

A definition

Different one

by Some random dude aka sjjsjaja April 17, 2022

same difference

it's also basically the same thing, but it's not too different for me to care about it too much

so in other words, same difference

by meme_girl405 July 10, 2019

same difference

it's also basically the same thing, but it's not too different for me to care about it too much

so in other words, same difference

by meme_girl405 July 10, 2019

same difference

something a person says when they think the statement they made differs so little from reality that the difference is extremely unimportant

bob: i heard the guy ate a live rat!
mark: actually, he ate a squirrel.
bob: same difference.

by liam_gorell69 March 21, 2021

same difference

when u say two things are basically the same but some bitch ass won’t stop arguing with u

Sophia: brock doesn’t like gays
me: i thought they just made him uncomfortable

sophia: same difference. stop being a bitch ass

by grunt trucker December 22, 2019