I stuck my finger in her dirt wrinkle and she shot across the room like a rocket.
When your team gets rekt, or you rek someone.
Dude, we got put on dirt.
I know man, they whupped us good.
When you gather dirt on coworkers with intention of extortion to climb the corporate ladder.
Nick started an "off record" work chat in order to get his peers to leak information he could use to climb his dirt ladder.
In the poker game of texas hold em,when your two pocket cards are an ace and a jack.
dirty charity was dealt his signature hand el dirte.
The shittiest weed known to man
"Hey man this weed is great, try it"
"No way, this shit is detroit dirt."
A garbage human who has nothing to offer humanity but being awful and being down and belongs out by the curb with the other rubbish.
Steve always takes up two spaces when he parks. He’s such a dirt person.