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Frosty Jerk

a pronoun double entendre:

1)One jerks off until they go blind and see nothing but white.

2)A Jerk who is Frosted under the influence of a mind altering substance

Everyone made it here but Devin, where is that Frosty Jerk?

by SnootchMcGootch! August 20, 2010

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frosty buns

When you leave cakes in the fridge for too long and forget all about them, this is what you get.

The man forgot about his cakes one night. Years later, he had frosty buns.

by Winterbaby Fenton Noir January 13, 2015

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Butt Frosty

Dropping a shit in the snow and letting it freeze, while experiencing diarrhea symptoms.

Last winter I was walking home, and I got hit with a major case of diarrhea, so I walked into the bushes and made a Butt Frosty.

by Archerman23 March 25, 2009

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Frosty Eagle

The act of a man ejaculating on a woman's vagina, then eating her out while her legs are spread.

I caught Caitlin and John doing the Frosty Eagle! That's disgusting!

by B1Betch December 7, 2010

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frosty cunt

a girl who totally disses guys in general

that girl is a frosty cunt.

by Luke The Grim December 17, 2007

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frosty tobogan

the sexual manuever when person-a takes a traditional popsicle and shoves it up person-b's ass hole, after which person-a forces person-b to eat said popsickle.

i love the poopy taste of frosty tobogan!

by marty mcnoobtube April 2, 2008

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montana frosties

STINKY BALLS! when you are on a sex bender and do not shower for days you will develop a bad case of the "montana frosties"

"after going out all night and then boning we woke up in the morning, went for a hike, boned again...and again- my boyfriend had a terrible case of the montana frosties!"
-no BJ for you

by montana frosty hater March 1, 2011

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