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A fucktard is a fucking retard that is so fucking retarded that you need to use both fucking words to explain how fucking retarded someone is.

Me:Holy shit dude, your a fucktard.
Jim: how?
Me: you think Android is better than apple. You’re a fucktard

by MEME SQUAD November 15, 2018

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A person who by definition is not "mentally challenged", but probably should be considered as such. One who you often wonder how they make it through each day alive.

Did you see what Dom did? He's such a fucktard.

by Jazzy MacJizz October 28, 2015

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Someone that is not just retarded but ducking retarded, it ain't ignorance either. Just fucktarded.

That boy is a fucktard.
He so smashed lookin all fucktarded.

by Kittymeowmeowrawr November 6, 2015

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520 definitions for Fucktard and not one has it right.

Fucktard is a person who 1) meets the dual criteria of being a Fuck-up, and a Retard, AND 2) who must be labelled as both since neither one sufficiently expresses how much of a Fucktard he (or she) is.

You know what you are? YOU are a god damn fuck up, a FUCK UP. Aaaand you are a fucking RETARD. That makes you a FUCK-TARD. A fuck up and a retard in one fucking person, A fucking fucktard, you fucking stupid-as-fuck, fucking fucktard. Get the fuck out of here.

May the lord be with you.

by Cleveland_Rocks March 13, 2016

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Usually used to make fun of someone, combining "fuck" and "retard" in one word.

"Ugh g-d, she's such a fucktard. She asked me how to spell 'orange.'"

by EM😜 December 15, 2015

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Person who is willfully ignorant, bigoted, or crass (may refer to themselves in the third person). Also see Donald Trump.

You: "Donald Trump says he's going to put Clinton in jail and build a wall to keep the raping Mexicans out"
Me: "Yeah - but he's a fucktard so says any racist, bigoted shit that occurs to him without allowing for what is legal or even possible"
You: "A wall could be built"
Me: "...sure, and quote we'll get them to pay for it unquote?"
You: :OK, he's a fucktard".

by Winter the Dog November 28, 2016

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a contraction of two words. means fucking retard.

starla called me a fucktard!

by Poiso January 12, 2003

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