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Harry Styles

The person you love most because they are the prettiest, cutest, funniest and just in general the best person on earth. Harry Styles is defined as the most beautiful creature (sweet creature) in the whole universe.

"I love you as much as I love Harry Styles...which is a compliment."

by Evian Styles (3 digits my gs) April 10, 2019

42πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Harry Anslinger

Every stoner's worst nightmare. As the first drug czar, he came up with much of the propaganda bullshit against marijuana that still exists to this day (and believed by some ignorants to be true), and single handedly bequeathed most of the Gestapo-like policies of the DEA.

Harry Anslinger is resposible for all the retarded durg policies in the United States (and probably the whole fucking world). I'm sure do glad he's fucking dead. Fuck him.

by Dude of Life April 30, 2008

183πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Annabelle Harris

A stupid whore that tries to steal your boyfriend when he’s rejected and blocked her multiple times. She can never take a hint and has a disgusting amount of moles on her face that make her look like she tried eating a chocolate chip cookie but missed her mouth entirely. She’s slept with a good majority of the school and every guy has said she’s looser and dryer than a 105 year old grandmother and would never do it again. She sends nudes to her β€œfriend’s” boyfriend and is so dumb she has to take classes that are for children. She has zero body shape whatsoever and her double chin is absolutely terrible. She likes to say she has an ass when really all she has is upper thigh. She’s a manipulative cunt and a compulsive liar and no one should ever get close to her.

Annabelle Harris is a skanky bitch and no one likes her

by donthatecauseurmad September 3, 2020

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Harry Twatter

While performing oral sex on a female partner who is wearing an outwardly sharp clitoral ring or piercing, a man will give her vaginal pleasure with his tongue while the woman pushes his face towards her pelvis in order to thrust his tongue deeper into her vagina. Then she decides to be a cunt and thrust the poor mans face into her clitoris so that her ring or piercing will cut his forehead. Thus, he will have received the Harry Twatter because of the Harry Potter like scar on his forehead.

Why do you have stitches on your forehead? My girlfriend decided to be a bitch and give me the Harry Twatter.

by harrytwatter123 July 31, 2011

170πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Harry Pushy

How sean connery says "hairy pussy"

I must admit, I love me some Harry Pushy

by Clittorz November 7, 2010

Stefan Harris

An internet legend usually his followers comment "Stefan Harris" on his instagram @stefan.harris24

If you are a follower, you would comment that on all his posts.

A "Stefan Harris" is someone who enjoys a crisp cold apple juice with ice.

Did you see that new Stefan Harris post? I'm going to comment his name under it!!!

by GodAmongstMen69 April 15, 2022

Harry Warden

the fictional serial killer of the 1981 canadian film "my bloody valentine", and the 2009 american remake

"harry warden"

it was harry warden damnit! not me!

by yo yo to the ho ho May 29, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž