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it be like that sometimes

A phrase used when there’s simply no explanation so it must happen occasionally ; similar to phrase “gonna have to

“Damn Kiko your Juul died”
-*Clicks* “It be like that sometimes

by Tupac Shakurac October 25, 2018

61👍 13👎

like ass

The worst. Something you want to avoid.

This Beer tastes like ass. Dude, It smells like ass in here.

by slim sparty May 21, 2003

30👍 5👎

Like a Glove

A phrase shouted in a British accent upon completion of a satisfactory parking job.

*After parallel parking* "Like A Glove!!!"

by Michael Carrier July 27, 2004

71👍 16👎

Grim like

comparable to bad or terrible

Hey kiyd, we got deez grim like conditions outside

by Mr. Hag Hurse November 28, 2011


a phrase to describe remarkable skill at a video game and or a moment of incredible ownage.


adrian: ya that guy he's facing is SMITT-like

by ST 90 October 17, 2006

thanks for the likes!!!

Something someone says whenever they get a lot of likes on Youtube.

OMG, thanks for the likes!!!

by Goofy Goober Boi February 27, 2020

courtesy like

Clicking the "like" button on Facebook in situations where it is not really warranted, but it would be rude not to do so.

-Hey, dude. I saw that your grandma posted that corny joke on your Facebook.

-Yeah, I had to give that a courtesy like.

by disgusto October 20, 2011