A women who likes many men and has short sexual relationships with them.
Sara, "you are such a male-inizer."
A male who has unreasonable and inexplicable luck in all situations. Wins every game no matter what. Wins slots jackpots with one try.
You should go to Vegas with Chris, he’s a Sampi Male.
Tensor Male is a new species evolved from both Alpha & Sigma culture. They belong in a new culture called Tensor Culture. They have traits from both cultures to get the best of both worlds
Person 1: "Dude.. he looks like an Alpha male and works like a sigma male. How is it even possible
Person 2: "Yeah man, that's a tensor male right there. Best of both worlds."
What you call someone named Johnny who likes mcr
"Johnny, you're such a gerard male."
super hot male with a long you know what like 10 inches
girl 1 i like payton male
girl 2 me to
A male who has ascended above betas and alphas, and now can asexually reproduce to create more of himself.
Bro have you seen carter? He's such a quegma male, he's a threat to the government!
1. A highly badass individual who doesn't care about the cool girls, but really wants to be noticed by the female gender
2. has a smelly dick
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