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A communication website. That's all it is. But yet we have these obsessive people over it, along with the haters. The haters amuse the hell out of me. HAHA! If you have that serious obsession to put down Myspace, then you might as well be one of its corruptors. Cause you're already spending your time talking and complaining about how 'gay' and 'pathetic' it is.
The obsessors- people with no lives or too many friends that you have to communicate by computer with.
MYSPACE is there whether you want it or not.
I have a Myspace and FaceBook. What now?

Girl: OMFG! Did you get on Myspace last night? LMAO!

Whiny Chick: Ew, i fucking hate Myspace. Facebook is soooo much more mature. I mean come on, who wants some whiny little kid asking to 'cmnt my pics!!' ?

Some random Dude: Hey babe, do you have a Myspace? We could totally Cyber. ;)

by !kaylaahh February 14, 2008

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A place for friends...

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Its just another competition to see who has the most friends, who is the most popular, and much more pointless things.

Lately, you see a lot of "emo/goth" pictures set on default. You get, like, 300 friends and then put on your status: "I'm so pissed off right now. I need someone to talk to." Chances are that not even half of your "friends" will care.

Do yourself a favor. Add friends you actually KNOW and talk to. Its a great tool to get reconnected with people you've lost contact with, but why not pick up the phone, send a letter, or e-mail them instead?

Its good when you have around 25 friends, but you actually know each of them. The "friends" you get that you really don't talk to or even know are pointless.

Girl One: I have 1,205 friends on Myspace! What about you?

Boy: I have 42.

Girl Two: That's it? What a loser!

Boy: At least one of my friends on Myspace won't end up being a 40 year old stalker.

by SmileEveryDay March 15, 2009

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The most misused networking tool on the internet. MySpace was originally created for garage bands as a way to network with other bands but this changed quickly as there are now over 10,000 groups each which would cater to a different Genre. There are many bands, still unsigned, in different states and even countries, that would never would have even been heard of, much less actually heard, that now have access to over 100 million users.

"After about 6 months into my myspace, I began to get really into the music listening part of it. I found my favorite bands, found some less than main stream bands, and got tons of free music to listen to without waiting for downloads (the streaming audio doesn't always work smoothly though). Because of the myspace music feature I was able to listen to the entire Weezer album before it was released and I realized that I hated it, and saved myself money."

by sweetadeline112358 December 5, 2007

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full of goddamn scene kids

myspace sucks!

by thetrueshift August 13, 2009

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the Ebay for pedifiles

old man 1 : hey, want to go play some chess?
old man 2: naw, im going to go on myspace
they've got some new updates!(kids)
old man 1 : remember, your only 17 yrs old!

by selinarawrz May 5, 2008

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Myspace is where people change. I have friends that before they had a myspace, they were all normal & stuff, once they got a myspace, they even changed the type of music they liked, they're look, they're personality.

day they didn't know about myspace:So, you wanna go to the park or something, you hangout in my place & watch some movies & make some popcorn?!

days after they made a myspace:Um, I`m sorry we can`t hang today, i`m too busy on myspace, adding friends, commenting, & etc.

by Ketty December 9, 2006

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a website that if you get sucked into will become addicting and you will end up with more than 100 friends that you have never talked to in your life. other than that if it's used properly it can be fun when tom isnt running updates... updates are annoying. you can upload videos, blogs, upload pictures, basically you get to put your life on the internet for everyone to see.

myspace: a place where nothing FUCKING WORKS!

by shawty royal June 19, 2008

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